'콜론비 아트네트웍스'는 경계없는 예술, 누구나 공감하는 예술 콘텐츠를 추구합니다.
회화, 미디어 아트, 퍼포먼스 등 창의적인 작가들의 전시를 기획하여 만들고, 이들의 콘텐츠가 우리의 일상 속에 스미고자 하는 노력을 기울이고 있습니다.
종로의 세운전자상가 4층의 전자부품을 판매하던 상점을 개조하여 갤러리로 조성한 '콜론비아츠'에서는 겉으로 화려한 하드웨어보다 감동이 느껴지는 양질의 아트콘텐츠를 전시합니다.

Colon B Arts is an exhibition space for Colon B artnetworks, which plans and develops artistic contents such as public art, art marketing, art products etc. Colon B artnetworks is located on the 4th floor of Sewoon Electronic Plaza which used to be the Mecca of electronic industry back in 70’s-90’s. The place has been transformed into an exhibition space as a part of ‘Again · Sewoon Project’ led by Seoul Metropolitan Government. Colon B artnetworks is not afraid of new attempts and experiments. We have strong will to break stereotypes such as ‘Art is difficult’, ‘Artwork can only be viewed in galleries or museums’, etc. In other words, Colon B artnetworks would like to create art contents which anyone can enjoy and can be entertained  in any places. As a part of such effort, Colon B artnetworks not only holds fine art exhibitions such as paintings, sculptures, installations, but also tries to expand a scope of art contents such as digital interactive art(AR, VR), fashion, etc.
As we’ve done over the past few years, we shall spare no effort to pursuing ‘Boundless Arts’  

Colon B Artsはパブリックアート、アートマーケティング、アート製品等の芸術コンテンツを企画・開発している

Colon B Artnetworksの展示スペースです。Colon B ArtnetworksがあるSewoon電子プラザは1970年代から90年代にかけ電子産業のメッカでありましたが、ソウル市による『Again Sewoon Project』の一環として新たに展示空間へと生まれ変わりました。
Colon B Artnetworksは新たな試みや実験を恐れることなく「アートは難解だ」、「芸術作品はギャラリーや博物館でしか観れない」といったステレオタイプを壊したいという強い思いをもっています。
つまりColon B Artnetworksは誰でも楽しめる場所をつくろうとしているのです。

その一環としてColon B Artnetworksは絵画、彫刻、インスタレーション等の美術展だけでなく、デジタルインタラクティブアート(AR・VR)やファッション等のアートコンテンツにまで広げています。


게시물이 없습니다.

서울특별시 종로구 청계천로 159, 4층 마439호(장사동, 세운상가)
Tel. 070-4222-4986  |  hellocolonb@naver.com