<현재전시, The Current Exhibition> 2023-24 겨울시즌 상설전시 Winter Season Permanent exhibition


2023-2024 겨울 시즌동안 콜론비의 현재를 보여주는 상설전시 “현재전시”가 갤러리 콜론비에서 열립니다. 

콜론비와 함께 눈부시게 활약한, 활약하고 있는, 활약할 아티스트들의 멋진 작품을 만나보세요!

During the 2023-2024 Winter Season, a permanent exhibition titled ”Present Exhibition“ showcasing Colon B‘s current works will be held at Gallery Colon B. Come and see the stunning artworks of artists who have performed brilliantly with Colon B, are currently performing, or will be performing in the future. 

